Sudoku Bulletin Edition Puzzles

Need a Sudoku for your printed local newsletter, church bulletin, charity leaflet, or some other publication?

The Bulletin Edition puzzles are those chosen each month especially for inclusion in free publications that don’t happen too often! If you require puzzles for a newspaper (daily or weekly) or a compilation, you’ll need many more puzzles puzzles and probably more regularly too – see this page for more details.

These puzzles have been created with extra large images so that you can include them at a good print quality, with both a puzzle and a solution of each different difficulty. You can choose which to include – but make sure you get the right combination of puzzle and solution, or your readers won’t be happy!

Terms Of Use

You may use one or more of these puzzles in your print publication provided

Puzzles for February

Click the download button next to the puzzle and solution to save a PNG image file to your computer.

Sudoku puzzle
Beginner puzzle image
Sudoku puzzle
Beginner solution image
Sudoku puzzle
Easy puzzle image
Sudoku puzzle
Easy solution image
Sudoku puzzle
Medium puzzle image
Sudoku puzzle
Medium solution image
Sudoku puzzle
Tricky puzzle image
Sudoku puzzle
Tricky solution image
Sudoku puzzle
Fiendish puzzle image
Sudoku puzzle
Fiendish solution image
Sudoku puzzle
Diabolical puzzle image
Sudoku puzzle
Diabolical solution image

The images are each 1200×1200 pixels, which is perfect for a size of 4×4 inches at 300dpi. You can resize the images as you need in your layout program.

Formatting and Sudoku Tips

Let us know!

We’d love to hear how the puzzles went down with your readership, and we’d really love it if you can send us a copy (if it’s not inappropriate to do so!) in return for providing the puzzles in a useful format! Please get in touch!