Step-by-Step Solution
for Friday 14th March Diabolical




Sudoku puzzle
First step:
Add in all possible valid pencilmarks.
Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 4 is the only value possible in cell (1,7).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For column 9, Number 9 is only possible in cell (9,4)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For column 6, Number 8 is only possible in cell (6,1)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For box 5, Number 7 is only possible in cell (6,6)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 1 is the only value possible in cell (6,8).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For row 5, number 4 is only possible in cell (3,5)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For column 8, Number 4 is only possible in cell (8,9)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For row 6, number 5 is only possible in cell (5,6)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For row 7, number 5 is only possible in cell (6,7)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For row 6, number 1 is only possible in cell (7,6)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For box 6, candidates for 2 are all in row 4, so you can remove candidates from other blocks.

Candidate Lines

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Candidates for 3 in boxes 5 and 6 force the candidates in box 4 to be in the remaining line.

Multiple Lines

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Naked Pair for 3 and 9, can remove these as candidates from other cells.

Naked Pairs

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Naked Pair for 2 and 6, can remove these as candidates from other cells.

Naked Pairs

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Hidden Pair for 4 and 9, can remove other candidates from these cells.

Hidden Pairs

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For box 2, candidates for 2 are all in row 2, so you can remove candidates from other blocks.

Candidate Lines

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

X-Wing in rows for 3.


Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For box 6, candidates for 3 are all in column 8, so you can remove candidates from other blocks.

Candidate Lines

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Either candidate for cell (3,4) forces 9 into cell (3,8).

Forcing Chains

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 2 is the only value possible in cell (3,6).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 4 is the only value possible in cell (5,8).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 9 is the only value possible in cell (5,3).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 7 is the only value possible in cell (4,8).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 3 is the only value possible in cell (7,8).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 3 is the only value possible in cell (1,9).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 9 is the only value possible in cell (1,6).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 3 is the only value possible in cell (2,6).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 9 is the only value possible in cell (4,9).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For row 1, number 9 is only possible in cell (2,1)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For row 3, number 4 is only possible in cell (4,3)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For row 1, number 3 is only possible in cell (9,1)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For row 2, number 3 is only possible in cell (3,2)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Candidates for 1 in boxes 1 and 3 force the candidates in box 2 to be in the remaining line.

Multiple Lines

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Either candidate for cell (3,1) forces 3 into cell (8,4).

Forcing Chains

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For row 4, number 2 is only possible in cell (7,4)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

For row 4, number 8 is only possible in cell (3,4)

Single Position

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 6 is the only value possible in cell (2,5).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 1 is the only value possible in cell (2,3).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 6 is the only value possible in cell (3,1).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 5 is the only value possible in cell (4,1).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 2 is the only value possible in cell (1,1).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 1 is the only value possible in cell (8,1).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 5 is the only value possible in cell (1,3).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 3 is the only value possible in cell (5,5).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 1 is the only value possible in cell (3,7).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 7 is the only value possible in cell (2,9).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 8 is the only value possible in cell (2,7).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 6 is the only value possible in cell (7,9).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 5 is the only value possible in cell (7,2).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 8 is the only value possible in cell (7,3).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 2 is the only value possible in cell (8,3).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 6 is the only value possible in cell (9,3).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 7 is the only value possible in cell (7,5).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 8 is the only value possible in cell (8,5).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 7 is the only value possible in cell (8,7).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 2 is the only value possible in cell (9,7).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 6 is the only value possible in cell (5,7).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 1 is the only value possible in cell (5,4).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 2 is the only value possible in cell (5,2).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 6 is the only value possible in cell (6,2).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 1 is the only value possible in cell (4,2).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 6 is the only value possible in cell (4,4).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 2 is the only value possible in cell (6,9).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

Sudoku puzzle

Number 1 is the only value possible in cell (9,9).

Single Candidate

Sudoku puzzle

For guided hints and great solving assistance like automatic pencilmarks, try Astraware Sudoku Of The Day on your phone or tablet!